How does Lalicat fingerprint browser randomly generate browser fingerprints?

Tue Feb 08 2022admin
As we all know, the fingerprint browser can modify the browser fingerprint and randomly generate the browser fingerprint. When we use browsers with different fingerprints to surf the Internet, it can protect privacy to a certain extent. So have you ever thought about how fingerprint browsers generate random fingerprints?

What do browser fingerprints include?

If the browser fingerprint is put aside, there are many parameters involved. These include the familiar operating system, WebRTC, Font, etc., as well as Canvas, AudioContext, WebGL, and other data that we don't know very well.

How do fingerprint browsers randomly generate browser fingerprints?

Let's take the Lalicat virtual browser as an example to give a simple explanation. The Lalicat virtual browser will input the specific modes of these functions into the system first when designing the bottom layer. When users download the installation software, these data will be installed into the user's computer along with the installation package. After opening the Lalicat fingerprint browser, users will find that there are many parameters on the edit page to modify. For example, the default operating system in the Lalicat antidetect browser is Windows, but if I want to simulate a Mac computer, I can directly select Mac OS.
In other words, through the Lalicat fingerprint browser, we can obtain the fingerprint database that ordinary browsers do not have, and simulate a new browser by calling the data of the fingerprint database. Even for the same operating system, we can also modify other parameters, such as modifying the font, selecting different noise modes, adjusting resolution, etc. Because the platform does not judge that we are associated accounts through a single data but calculates the hash value, which is used as the main factor for judgment. As long as several of these factors are modified, the calculated hash values will not be the same, so the platform will think that these accounts are operated by different people and are safe.

Will randomly generated fingerprints repeat?

As long as the fingerprint database is large enough, the probability of generating duplicate fingerprints is very low and almost impossible. If the fingerprint database is not new enough, there is still a great chance of generating duplicate fingerprints.

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