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  • Proxy Setting
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Dove Proxy

Devo proxy is a fast-growing proxy in Global Market and has got their outstanding advantages and features for its users.

1. Competitive price in mobile IPs (3G/4G/5G Proxy IPs), and residential IPs.

2. There have created a filter tool to select good IPs automatically out of the blacklist. All the available IPs will be in high quality for e-commerce, Social medial marketing, and other business, and can keep your business account safer than other proxies.

3. They offer an API creator to create special city IP, so that can be free to choose the target IP in a special country and city in the Channel Management.

As one of the Dove Proxy cooperators, we write some detailed steps about how to integrate Lalicat with it.

1. Register An Account and Login Dove Proxy And Enter into [Whitelist Management], confirm that you have closed all VPNs or proxies on your local device, then click [start testing] to get your local IP, and Click [add to whitelist]. Finally, save it.

2. Create your channel to get the Proxy Server address, Port, Country, and Proxy Type as following steps:

And get your Proxy Type [Socks5], Server Address [], and Proxy Port[45281] as following screenshot:

3. Download Lalicat antidetect browser and Add a profile as following steps through typing [Profile Name], Choosing [OS] and [User-Agent], and type the Proxy Type [Socks5], Proxy Server Address [] and Proxy Port [45281] is the same as the above screenshot.

4. Save the profile, and Check the proxy to get green IP address information in detail as following screenshot:

5. Run the profile and operate your business on the Lalicat virtual browser.

Special Instruction.

If you want to get a special IP in a certain city, you can open Devo Proxy backend and go to [API creator] part to edit your Special IP demand to get API code in the 10th step as the following picture:

API creator

Copy the API Code into your Local Browser to get a special Proxy Server Address and Proxy Port as follow, and then type them into proxy setting in the Lalicat profile as above.

Finally, hope you can get a successful integration of Dove proxy and Lalicat.

Related Proxies:

Yilu Proxy

Luminati Proxy

911 Proxy


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