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Share and Transfer Browser Profile

Share browser profile: after account a is shared with account B, both parties can see the browser profile.

The browser profile can be shared with any other Lalicat’s primary account and sub account users.

Transfer browser profile: after account a is transferred to account B, the browser profile will belong to account B. account a does not have this profile.

Only after both parties have paid a plan can the browser profile be transferred to each other. Similarly, the browser profile can be transferred to the main account and sub account users of any other Lalicat.

1、Save cookie and save password synchronously in other configurations are enabled by default

Remember not to open the [delete cookie before starting the browser] function.

Before sharing or transferring the profile, first confirm whether the version number of the Lalicat client of the next sharing transferor is consistent with the version number of the Lalicat client of the shared transferor. (the version number is in the upper right corner of the Lalicat client: [1.X.X.X])

2、Share Browser Profile

Go to the Lalicat browser and check the browser profile to be shared in the browser profile list;

Click [more actions];

Click [share];

Enter the other party’s Lalicat account (you need to manually enter the other party’s Lalicat account for the first time)

3、Transfer ownership of browser profile

Go to the browser and check the browser profile to be transferred in the browser profile list;

Click [more actions];

Click [transfer ownership];

Enter the other party’s Lalicat account (you need to manually enter the other member’s Lalicat account for the first time.

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