How to create multiple Facebook accounts without phone verification?

Sat Feb 18 2023admin

As a regular Facebook user, you may not need Facebook multi-account. But some people with certain needs must create multiple Facebook accounts. Next, I will share the reasons and specific operations for this.

Why would someone need multiple Facebook accounts?

There are various reasons for someone to require multiple Facebook accounts. Here are a few typical explanations:

1. Commercial goals

Many companies and organizations require multiple Facebook accounts. For example, a business might have three accounts: one for the official business page, one for customer service, and one for promotion. This enables them to maintain their messaging and content distinct and tailored to particular consumers.

2. Privacy issues

On Facebook, some people might desire to keep their personal and work lives apart. For instance, people might maintain separate accounts for personal and business relationships. They can choose who sees their personal information, and keep themselves out of potentially uncomfortable circumstances.

3. Parents

Parents may need a Facebook account to stay connected and also want to create a Facebook account for their children so they can stay connected with their peers.

4. Marketing

Marketing professionals may set up multiple accounts to reach a larger audience or narrow their focus on particular demographics. An artist or musician, for instance, might maintain two accounts: one for their close friends and family and another for their followers.

It's crucial to remember that Facebook's policies forbid creating multi-account for fraudulent or malevolent reasons; doing so might lead to account suspension or revocation. But if you need to create and manage multiple Facebook accounts, you need to pay attention to accounts anti-association.

How to prevent multiple Facebook accounts from being associated?

Due to Facebook's stringent restrictions against managing several accounts for fraudulent purposes, accounts may be suspended or deleted using anti-association measures. Here are some suggestions to avoid your multiple Facebook accounts marked for anti-association:

1. Use different browsers and devices

The usage of distinct devices and browsers for each Facebook account is one of the most crucial steps in preventing accounts from being associated. For instance, you may use a different browser for your business account on Facebook and a different browser for your personal account. But if you need to manage thousands of Facebook accounts, you don't have so many devices and browsers, so I recommend using Lalicat antidetect browser, which can help you create various virtual browsers with different browser fingerprints, to avoid being associated due to the same browser fingerprinting.

2. Use different IP addresses

Utilizing separate different IP addresses for each account is an additional method of preventing anti-association. Using several Wi-Fi networks, VPNs, or proxy services can accomplish this. However, Facebook has algorithms in place to identify such actions and may flag your account. Here I recommend YiLu Proxy with 90M+ residential IPs from global more than 200 countries, which has lots of stable, clean and dedicated static residential IPs for keeping your Facebook accounts safe.

3. Different personal information

Make sure that the email address, name, profile image, and personal information are all unique for each Facebook account. This will make the accounts more distinct and stop Facebook from associating them.

4. Avoid posting the same content through different accounts

Avoid utilizing identical posts, cover photographs, or profile pictures across several accounts. This will lessen the likelihood that Facebook will link the accounts together and mark them as potentially violating its anti-association policy.

Use different devices, IP addresses, emails, profile information, and content for each account to avoid Facebook accounts from being associated.

How to create multiple Facebook accounts without phone verification?

1. Create multiple virtual browsers

Create multiple virtual browsers and integrate different proxy IPs in an antidetect browser software.

Here are text and video tutorial about using Lalicat antidetect browsers with YiLu Proxy:


2. Enter Facebook's website

Open multiple virtual browsers and enter the Facebook website (

3. Click “Create new account”

4. Enter registration information

Including first name, last name, email (not mobile number), password, birthday, and gender.

Note: Different accounts use different personal information for prevent accounts from being associated.

Then click “Sign Up”.

5. Complete your Facebook profile

Facebook will ask you to upload a profile image, cover image, education, hometown, interests, and other information.

In this way, you can create multiple Facebook accounts without being associated and banned, but in order to use Facebook accounts safely, don't change the virtual browser's fingerprints and proxy IPs for a period of time.


In a word, using Lalicat antidetect browser and a proxy server, multiple different personal profiles, then you can create multiple Facebook accounts without phone verification.

Finally, if you have never used Lalicat browser and do not know the specific operation of Lalicat, you can get a trial for new users to help you register multiple Facebook accounts as soon as possible.

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