Can virtual browsers prevent website from tracking browser fingerprints?

Fri Jul 29 2022admin

It is estimated that there are approximately 12 million to 24 million e-commerce websites on the Internet, with more being created every day. In addition, there are approximately 4.66 billion active internet users, and more than 75% shop online at least once a month.

This creates a problem. For e-commerce websites, in order to keep an eye on the dynamics of users and push a series of product advertisements based on the preferences of users, the website will start from the user's browser and collect as many users as possible. Information, through the unique information characteristics of these users, the identity of each user is analyzed, which is called browser fingerprinting.

What is browser fingerprint?

It can be used to judge whether the browser used by multiple visitors is all the data of the same browser, that is, browser fingerprint. Browser fingerprints can help websites identify visitors and expose users' privacy to a certain extent. Some websites will also judge whether multiple accounts are managed by the same person through the fingerprint information of the browser.

What information does the browser fingerprint include?


The reason why the server can recognize the operating system, CPU, browser brand, language, and other information used by the user is because of the existence of UA.

(2) Plugins

Plugins and extension programs are different. What plugins are installed in the browser, websites and servers can be found.

(3) Time Zone

This is related to the location of the users who use the computer. Generally, it will be synchronized directly online. If you need to change the IP, remember to synchronize the time zone.


A field in the HTTP protocol header is also the information that must be obtained.

(5) Other information

For example, the font used by the browser, the version of the browser, history, etc.

Prevent Websites From Tracking Browser Fingerprints

For ordinary users who shop online, the fingerprint tracking of the website may not have much impact, and it can even help you compare products better and make choices faster. But for e-commerce sellers with multiple stores, this is trouble.

Almost all cross-border e-commerce platforms do not allow sellers to open more stores, so tracking fingerprint technology can easily find out which sellers operate multiple stores.

What are the methods of preventing website tracking?

Generally, multi-store sellers will choose some methods in order to survive to avoid fingerprint tracking leading to the association of stores. There are:

1. Cloud server


2. Virtual machine


3. Virtual browser

These three can achieve a certain anti-association effect in the early stage, but the former two are gradually eliminated by the market due to the speed and stability of access. From all aspects, currently the most suitable for cross-border e-commerce sellers to prevent associations The tool is the virtual browser.

What are the advantages of a virtual browser? (Take Lalicat virtual browser as an example)

1. High safety factor

Lalicat virtual browser is modified by the Google Chrome kernel, so when simulating fingerprints, the authenticity is high and it is not easy to be discovered by websites.

2. Smoother operation

The use of cloud servers or virtual machines may be limited by network speed and space, causing browser web pages to freeze, but virtual browsers operate locally, and Lalicat fully supports overseas network acceleration, making your operation smoother.

3. Cost-effective

The cost of renting a cloud server or virtual machine is proportional to the number of stores. Therefore, sellers with many stores need to spend a lot of money to maintain normal operations. Using a virtual browser can create an unlimited browser environment. Basically, the cost is stable.

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